Kay Cook
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy and Solution Focused Hypno-Coaching Sessions cost 12,000 ISK per hour long session  

Single Session Stop Smoking Intensive Support costs 19,000 ISK 

HPD Hypnotherapy Practioner Diploma independently accredited by NCFE (NVQ4)

DHP Diploma Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy


HPD Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma/NVQ4

Diploma CBT Skills for Hypnotherapist/NVQ4


SFBTHyp Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Diploma/NVQ4 


Mark McKergow's Solution Focused Business Coaching 

AfSFH - Executive Officer/Legal Administrator of the Founding Committee


Kay´s article, The Solution Focused Approach to Hypnotherapy, was included in Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy School´s training materials.

Kay has researched and written several articles for publication in APHP and NCH Journals and in Hypnotherapy Today Magazine. 


She has many interests but she particularly enjoys nature, culture, writing and exploring aspects of the mind. In 2014 and 2019 she published books of her own.


Hypnotherapy Society Memberships:

National Council for Hypnotherapy MNCH(REG)

Félag Dálaðara (Icelandic Hypnotherapy Society)



Full name: Kay Tina Cook

Icelandic Kennitala: 031159 2889 


Appointments are available in your own home in the Reykjavík or via Zoom.

One of the great truths of life is the responses within the subconscious mind are strong determinants of our beliefs, habits and behaviours.  

Whether you wish to be more relaxed, to address a fear or lose an unwanted habit more comfortably, or to operate closer to your personal, exam, creative, sporting or business potential, solution focused hypnotherapy may help you. Trance is used to facilitate subconscious change, helping you into better alignment with your goal. A fairly light trance state is all that is required, and almost everyone can do it. 

On a conscious level we all know how to lose weight, travel on a plane, go to the dentist or to commit fully to study or sports training. When we react negatively to something we know is safe and wise, the barrier to our desired action is subconscious, and usually the ancient fight, flight or freeze response is triggered inappropriately. I help my clients to understand how this works with them, creating useful self-understanding, as well as working with them to improve the situation.

Whether we realise it or not, we all go into trance. When I am very focused on writing a book, I notice if someone outside uses noisy equipment, but I am not distracted at all, because I am in a trance of concentration. This is the kind of trance state I work with. You are guided into a relaxed and focused state, making you more receptive to the suggestions and guided imagery within your therapy. I love words, and many of my clients have complimented me on the beauty and grace, as well of the helpfulness of their sessions. 

You have to want to improve but it is not necessary to know you can. You do need to be willing to 'do your bit' too, and attending sessions regularly when a couple or more are required is important. I also ask that you listen to a supportive sound file, and carry out minimal homework exercises, or thought, attitude and response experiments, as I prefer to call them. Each appointment begins with solution focused dialogue, and the aspects that emerge from this influence your hypnosis.    

Hypnosis takes place in every session and is augmented with solution focused coaching and sometimes NLP techniques, particularly Re-Wind, sometimes known as the fast phobia technique.  

Regardless of the problem people consult me about, most experience extra benefits such as greater relaxation and better sleep, clearer thinking and motivation or living more joyfully.

I offer a free 30-minute initial chat, by telephone or video link. I explain how hypnotherapy would be used with your issue, how many sessions are likely and answer your questions.

Below is an NCH video of a typical client discussing their experience with hypnotherapy.

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